Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Zoo Day!

In the last couple weeks we've had so many sunny, beautiful 50 degree days, with just a little snow in the middle. We've really been enjoying every moment of sunshine that we can. The boys have spent so many hours outside running, swinging, digging, bike riding, etc.


On St. Patrick's Day, after a breakfast of green eggs and sausage (of course!), we loaded up and headed to the Zoo. We had a blast! I always let the boys choose the area they would like to visit since we can't fit it all into one day. So... we chose the monkey kingdom for Aaron. He loved it! They were active so he was able to actually see them, point, and growl (because every animal growls... monkeys are no exception for him). Sam chose the reptiles, and Seth chose the Giraffes and Elephants (as usual). We took a picnic lunch and just enjoyed the whole afternoon. Aaron sat in the stroller pretty much the whole 4 hours without a single complaint, just kicking his legs and singing away. And, he kept his hat and socks on for the entire time also... a huge accomplishment for him. We came home and cooked up a yummy Corned-beef dinner and collapsed. I was so exhausted the next morning. Pushing a stroller around for 4 hours, up and down hills, while carrying a small watermelon is some good exercise!
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