Tuesday, September 21, 2010


This is what we worked on today... such a long process, but sooooo worth it! I probably should have waited till Friday (my birthday... my 30th actually!!!), but that's my annual excuse to go out and buy the most chocolatey cake that I can find... definitely don't want to pass that up.

I have the best recipe for the pie crust... it has never failed me once and it is so simple... AND, there are no eggs so the boys can gobble up all the scraps with no worries. This was just enough to do my pie today, but when Ad is decorating we have to at least "one-and-a-half-it" if that makes any sense :). He can get pretty crazy with the dough as we all know.

2 c. flour
3/4 tsp. salt
2/3 c. shortening
6-7 Tbsp. cold milk

Mix the flour and salt, cut in the shortening, add the milk, and roll it out..... told you it was easy :) and soooo yummy!

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Monday, September 20, 2010

What's Happening...

Well, we've been busy... and I've really been slacking on the blogging... sorry! But here's a little sample of what we've been up to:

A lot of lovin' this little one

A lot of lovin' this little one (note the new addition... the HUGE, fat lip! BOYS!!!)

A lot of teachin' these not so little ones

***Sam is excelling at cursive... he loves it! He also LOVES having seatwork... at least for now :)
Seffer's is loving his pages and projects. We are working on letters, numbers, tracing, and cutting... just basic stuff to keep him busy and not feeling left out.
Oh... and Aaron is just having a great time. He's got first dibs on all the toys while the big boys are busy doing their schoolwork.

A fun field trip

And, of course, a lot of cookin' (I love beautiful food!)
So... not much to say, but thought I'd update you anyway!
Have a good week!

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Soup's On...

Fall is in the air!!! It has really cooled down a lot the last few days... it"s been overcast, rainy (not the hot, muggy rain like we usually have), and super windy. In fact, we've had several fallen branches from our old oak tree, and I think before long we'll be raking up mountains of leaves. The boys have really loved being able to put on their long pants again and play outside in the middle of the day.

Anyway, it just felt like a good soup day, so we scrapped the Taco Tuesday plan (I'll make the enchiladas tomorrow when Ad will be home to help eat them ;) and I put the boys to work in the kitchen. They did a lot of the cleaning, chopping and throwing the veggies in the pot... and they were awefully proud of their creation. Seth even finished off his bowl with only a little coaxing.
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Friday, September 3, 2010

It's Working

My weekly menu plan is working well... it really is! Yay! It has made coming up with dinner so much easier. Now I can focus on making a yummy meal rather than trying to scramble at the last moment because I can't think of anything that sounds appealing. It also helps to have a very talented chef/husband. I can prep anything, hand it over to him, and he makes it wonderful... he's a whiz with the wok!!!

So much for losing my baby weight!
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Quilt... Check!

TaDa.... It's finished! This was the fastest I've ever made a quilt... I think there might be more of these in my future. I love how simple and happy it turned out, perfect for my happy little girlie. I backed it with flannel so it'll be so extra warm and cozy for her during our cold Wisconsin winters. Woohoo! another project done and on to another....
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