Wednesday, December 28, 2011

A Christmas Eve Tradition

I remember Lisa telling me a long time ago about a tradition in her family growing up... Christmas Eve jammies. I always thought that was such a neat idea, so I've been doing the same for my kids from the very beginning. I believe that Lisa's mom always made her jammies... I don't go that far.

I especially loved that Sam remembered our tradition this year... a few days before Christmas I overheard him telling Seth that he was glad Christmas Eve was coming soon because his jammies were getting too small. As a kid, I didn't really have much stability and Christmas's were often very low-key (if we had a Christmas at all) so I am really thankful that my kids are able to count on just simple things like a new pair of jammies.

I love the excitement of Christmas Eve! They were all thrilled enough to even let me take lots of pictures... enough that I got several that actually turned out nice (such a rare thing with 4 kids) :). Sam did request that I keep the picture-taking to a minimum on Christmas morning though.
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Christa Forsythe said...

I've wanted to start this tradition! Mom made the kids pjs for christmas... and I am thankful we didn't open them christmas eve because Eden woke up all pukey Christmas day, but next year... I wanna do pjs...

cute kiddo pics!

David said...

Cozy jammies help kids go to sleep faster on Christmas Eve!