Sunday, July 10, 2011

Our 4th Fun!

We had a great 4th of July. First thing on the schedule was a quick trip to the Tosa Parade... which turned out to be a 3 hour long adventure. That was the loooooongest parade I've ever been to, but it was fun. That night we went to the Butler fireworks show. Butler is a tiny village that we pass through rather quickly on our way to church, but man do they have good fireworks. The grand finally was amazing! It was Aaron and Adalie's first time and they both did amazingly well... I was expecting them to freak out. The boys got a little frisbee time in while I chased Addie around trying to keep her off all the neighbors blankets... such a friendly little child.
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1 comment:

Daniela said...

awesome, i love how she,s just chillin in the grass... what a cutie!