Saturday, January 22, 2011


I am a little (ok, a LOT!) behind in posting this news.... But, I'm gonna post it anyways.

We had our favorite visitors come to visit us for 10 days earlier this month. We didn't really go anywhere exciting or anything... just stayed home and enjoyed every moment. I am not sure Patty could have handled too many trips out anyway... she spent most of her time in layers and scarves (yes, even in the house =).

I am so thankful for a grandmother that truly enjoys spending time with her grandkids. Patty spent hours and hours each day reading, playing, and making things with the kids. I so enjoy this extra time to myself... it's such a vacation for me.

Gene, on the other hand, does anything but play {well... he does a little of that too :) }. He gets right in and works like crazy. We now have a brand-new water heater... that doesn't leak a gallon of water a day! The boys have a whole wall in the basement to hang their coats, gloves, hats, scarves, and to line up their shoes and boots. And after much blood, sweat and tears...
our nasty old bathroom floor went from
this to this!
Isn't it beautiful?!?
I think so!

I especially enjoyed all of our late night Yatzee, Ziltch, and Cribbage games, while the kiddos were tucked away in bed. I have really been blessed with the best in-laws ever... thank you, Gene & Patty! We love ya!
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David said...

Kim-e, you are so sweet! We enjoyed every moment with you, and we miss you lots and lots.

Daniela said...

:) Beautifully said, Kim-e! That's how we know em! :) I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your bathroom floor! I bet we won't recognize the house when we come visit next time!!! Ouch to the bloody hand!