Tuesday, September 20, 2011

We fit!

We outgrew our cool, blue SUV about a year or so ago. I promised I would never become a minivan driver, but after a day of driving it around, I'm convinced that we should have bought one a long time ago.

It's so much easier to get in and out of. Aaron can climb into his seat all on his own. Sam can get in and out of the car very easily in the pickup line at school. Up till now he has been climbing all the way through to the front, stepping on the passenger seat and getting out the door... that was going to be a nightmare in the winter with the mud and muck!

The boys decided they loved the new car so much that they were going to marry it... hmmm!

This is the trunk after a Sam's Club run. Seriously, this would have been stacked up higher than the seat backs in the old car... this is amazing. It's going to be great for our camping trip coming up this weekend!
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Christa Forsythe said...

Makes me laugh how against mini van everyone is... but all my friends who have gotten one LOVE THEM! Makes me smile... we have been looking at downsizing our suburban - especially since adoption is no where in sight and the likelihood of me getting prego is hilarious... glad you love it! Makes me laugh that is it white... Wellers always end up with white cars!

David said...

Have fun camping!!

David said...

White cars rock!!!