Wednesday, February 2, 2011

We did it...

We survived our first Wisconsin Blizzard!

The winds howled so loudly all night, and there were several instances of snow thunder... it was incredible! It woke Adalie several times throughout the night. But we eventually woke to beautiful sunshine and TONS of snow! Beautiful, HEAVY, drifty snow... everywhere! In fact there was a wall of it between the screen door and the back door so when I opened it this morning... well, it all came right in... and soaked my fuzzy socks! The amount of snow that fell just amazes me!
The boys were eager to get out and play.... Aaron included. I think it was a little more than he could handle, however, because he was back in in no time. So he, Adalie, and I watched contentedly (for the most part) from our warm little perch on the table. Sam was having a blast throwing snowballs at Aaron in the window. And poor Seth got a leg stuck in a snowbank and was on the verge of losing it (his mind, not the leg) when he was finally able to pull it loose.

Adam spent several hours digging us out. Our snowblower decided it wasn't going to run afterall, so he did most of it with the shovel and then our neighbor let him use his blower. The snow was so deep that you had to shovel most of it up before the blower would even touch it. I worked out there for about an hour before my body decided it was all it could handle... and I hardly put a dent in it. I am so thankful for my strong, determined husband who worked all day and night and then came home and shoveled snow until 2pm. What a trooper! I'm thinking we'll all sleep well tonight!
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Daniela said...

:) What a good husband you have! :) The Seth story cracks me up! The pictures are beautiful!!! Reminds me of when I was little, we had a few winters like that, and I must say I am honestly jealous right now!!! :) I bet the boys had a blast (according to the pictures they did)! What fun!

Christa Forsythe said...

Looks like a wonderful adventure for the little guys! How fun... you guys staying warm? I heard the power was out all over your city... so I am hoping you guys are okay... safe and warm! Love the pictures!