Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Year in the Life....

He's 2!
At 8:17 tomorrow morning (10:17 central) my little BUG will officially turn 2 years old. I just can't believe it! This little guy has grown and changed so much, especially these last few months. It is so exciting yet so sad all at once. Sometimes I feel as though I get so busy that I miss out on so many precious moments with my little guy... and those moments just keep passing quicker and quicker it seems.

He has become quite mischievous lately. Just this week we've had several rolls of toilet paper unwound, PAM sprayed all over the kitchen floor, a roll of tape made into quite the tape ball, 7 highlighters uncapped and placed back in the drawers, crayon everywhere you can imagine, etc., etc. You just have to keep an eye on this child at all times! He will disappear several times throughout the day, and I'm always a bit afraid of what I will find when I finally find him. I guess that's just part of turning 2... lots to discover and conquer!

He is certainly the comedian of the family... he has quite the sense of humor and loves to tease and joke around. He cracks me up all the time. He also loves to wrestle with Daddy and pick on his bigger brothers. I LOVE IT! For one so small, he is quite capable of handling himself (to a certain degree... afterall Sam is almost 4 times his size!). He has been so much healthier this winter... we all have, really. Though at the moment, it's kinda like a booger factory around here. So gross!

Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my sweet AARON! We love you, Buggy!
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Donovan Doins said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY AARON. MR 2 - go conquer and have an awesome day.

David said...

We love him so. What a wonderful personality, and your photos have captured it!