Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Taste of Spring

I am loving the weather we have had the last few days... it's been nearly 50 degrees. The sun has been shining in through our windows and just making it so warm and cozy. I really am a much happier person when the sun shines... it's been a good few days ;o) I love that we are able to see little patches of grass here and there as well. I just love spring and am really looking forward to it. This winter has seemed especially long and cold to me.

Anyway, this morning I made the deal with Sam that if he could get ALL of his schoolwork and reading completed before lunch, I would take he and Seth out to ride bikes while the little ones napped. He finished just in the nick of time. It was so nice to get out! Looking forward to being able to do this more often. It's so good for the boys to get out and run off their energy and just have fun.

Adalie decided to wake up just as we were headed out so she got to join in on the fun. I had her in a little dress so I just threw on a hat, sweater, and pants underneath.... and I thought it was so adorable!!! She can make anything look cute! I think she enjoyed the fresh air... until our mail lady came. The boys love Lois, but Adalie is afraid of her and cries every time she sees her.

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1 comment:

David said...

Oh, I am so glad you all got out to enjoy some sunshine. Also, way to go, Sam! Keep it up! There are many more fun things to do than just sitting at your desk finishing schoolwork. Our neighborhood looks like yours now. Around a foot of snow has fallen since yesterday.