We've been very busy around here... as you can probably guess due to my lack of posting much of anything lately. Sam and I have been in the Christmas making mood. He has been cutting snowflakes, snowflakes and, yes, more snowflakes. I diverted him away from the snowflakes for a while to make this cute wreath. I love how it turned out. He was basically able to do it by himself too... which is a good thing for Mr. Independent. He did get a little bored toward the end and asked for some help. I have found that this kid is much happier when he is creating something, so I do try my hardest to keep him busy. Thank goodness for Google and all the awesome ideas I can get there....We went out to cut our tree last week too... typically my favorite Christmas tradition. It's such a different experience here than back home. You go to a farm and pick your tree from rows and rows of trees... I miss hiking up the mountains and searching for that magical, glowing tree. But, it's probably for the best because we ended up carrying two and practically dragging the other two through the lot. I was so sore the next day. It wasn't really the funnest experience to be honest, but in the end we did find a beautiful tree, and the boys really enjoyed decorating it.

Welp, back to work for me! I have so many Christmas projects to finish before the big day.
Good work, Mama... I have boycotted Christmas this year... or at least doing anything for Christmas. Keep saying I am just too tired for much of anything... and I only have two kids... I say that all the time, but for real I don't know how you do anything! I love the little trees and flakes... might have to copy that one!
ps..Dad and Mom are here so we are enjoying them. I have a GIANT bag of clothes for Adalie... so I am not sure what in the world to do with that. Might cost me Ethan's college education to send it!
Yeah for you!! This will be over so fast, and your kiddos will remember the home made Christmas. Those are my favorite memories.
Love ya
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