Sunday, December 26, 2010

A Handmade Christmas

So, just in case you were wondering where I've been the last several weeks... I've been busy!

3 little dollies for 3 adorable little girlies... I hope they are loved.

4 capes for my 4 little superkids... matching jammies were totally unplanned but AWESOME!

8 little fishies for my little man... who now says fish. Who knew the word "fish" could sound so cute :)
Side note: my awesome hubby whipped up this fishing pole for me on Christmas Eve... such talent!

1 big fort building kit... which has already been made into tunnels, houses, puppet theatres, etc.

Yep, we've been busy around here... and seeing my little people enjoying their gifts was so worth every late night. Anyways, Christmas is over and I'm back!
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David said...

Amazing!! Your creativity knows no bounds! What wonderful gifts!!

David said...

And so glad you are back, too!!!

Christa Forsythe said...

I love, love, love the little doll you made Eden. I actually have to admit that I put it up on the shelf... for now. I want it to be preserved for awhile... I would love to know the link that you kinda followed for the fish game. I have lots of scraps I want to use towards making fish! I am amazed at all you did for your kids... you deserve an award!