Aaron got a new buddy on Saturday. His name is Jon. We were at a friend's house for Bible Study on Friday night, and Aaron dragged me to the bathroom to show me their little guy's "wittle toyet." He was thrilled... "Me have one?" he asked. We let him pick it out himself... and so far no poopies in the diaper. It's a good start, and he just really loves his Jon. If you've ever heard Aaron talk, you would notice that he doesn't really say the beginnings of his words correctly... so Jon actually comes out more like Juan... Very CUTE!

We've been doing LOTS of raking. The boys are a big help for the first few minutes but the growing leaf pile always beckons them to come and play. I think our big oak tree is nearly finished shedding for the year.
We had a few snow flurries this past week... but nothing that stuck to the ground. I was reminded of how much I always loved the snow (pre-Wisconsin). It really is a beautiful, magical thing. It is a lot of work and oh-so-cold, but I need to remember the beauty and magic over the next SEVERAL months. I am thankful that we have a nice warm place to huddle and enjoy the view... and a snow blower that was given to us last spring! I can't believe winter is nearly upon us already.
Love that little Jon... mainly because that cute little Aaron is just adorable sitting on him. Yay for potty training... I hope it continues to go well for you! Looks like you guys have been busy... have a happy Monday!
Hilarious! If he gets bored, give him a sticker to decorate Juan, each time he.....
Love the leaf pics!
He just makes us smile!
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