Saturday, August 27, 2011

The BEST Day of his life!

This past week we started off on a new journey... the Second Grade. So far, so good! The first day of school, Sam was all smiles and couldn't wait to get there. Aaron, though, was very disturbed that we just left him there. I had to include the photo of him walking to the car after leaving Sam in his class... it was so sweet!

Sam is really loving it! I knew he would -- he just loves being around people and is a magnet for learning. His teacher, Mrs Lorenz, is so great! She sends home detailed newsletters each weekend stating what they plan to work on in each subject the following week... I love that! He'll have gym twice a week, as well as computers, art, and Spanish once a week. I really think it will be a good year, and I am so excited for him.

While it's been a good week for us, it has also been pretty exhausting. Anybody who knows me at all knows that I am NOT a morning person. Lucky for me, none of my children are either (7:30 is about the earliest they've ever awaken... seriously!). We have had to adjust to getting up and out the door by 7:40 each morning... not an easy thing for me. I am learning that organization is key... having lunch packed and clothes sitting out the night before.
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Donovan Doins said...

Go Sam Go! What a great day.

Poor Aaron, love that he misses his bro so much.

We start tomorrow, woohooo.

Christa Forsythe said...

I am so glad to hear... I knew he would love it!

David said...

A new era has begun!! I am so glad the first day went so well. All of the kids will be learning so much this year!! Also, to help getting out to school so early, make breakfast the night before, too. Muffins are the easiest and there are so many varieties to try. But waffles can be reheated in the toaster, pancakes in the microwave, etc.