I have had a hankerin' to make some summer dresses for Addie. I bought several Simplicity patterns a few months ago (during a $1 sale) but chickened out as soon as I looked at the back of the envelope. Oh well... so I traced a jumper that fits Addie pretty well, made a few modifications (the shoulder ties, ruffle bottom, and front thingy with the buttons), and Ta Da!!! I love this cute little dress! It's almost as cute as the girlie inside it :)
But then...... Patty came! She mentioned the possibility of working on a few patterns that she had brought with her. So I ran to my room and grabbed the ones I had bought months ago, and we got right to work. This is the cutest dress EVER! I love the simplicity of it, while still having a little girly ruffle... and the button is just.... "cute as a button." (that saying makes so much more sense to me now. lol) This one is just a little big for Addie right now, but I couldn't resist a little photo shoot... she's just so stinkin' cute!
Here's the 3rd one completed so far. This is the one we call the "blue marshmallow." This one's not nearly as cute as the previous one, but this little girl can wear just about anything and look like a doll. It's a little big for her as well. She couldn't quite climb the stairs because her little legs kept disappearing into the marshmallow... a serious dilemma for this little one whose favorite activity is stair climbing... and talking on the phone (or truck in this case... whatever's handy!). This was a great learning project, however, because I learned how to work with snap tape and button holes.
I just finished cutting out the next project... another tiered dress, in knit fabric. Can't wait to see how it turns out!
New Blog...What?!
9 years ago
1 comment:
Wow!!! You made these?! I've been wanting to make dresses for our little girl, but somehow, I just never find time, or I'm missing half of the things I'd need (such as skillz, haha!)! I just admire and love your creativity! these dresses are truly amazing!
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