This past weekend got of to a horrible start. Adam woke up very, very early Saturday morning and was sick as a dog. Our plans to go to the Annual Jackson Rummage went right out the door. I was really bummed about this as I had been excited about going. I love rummaging... and now that we have a big family it's rather difficult to go (lots of driving, unloading, reloading... it's quite the process as you can imagine!). But in Jackson, basically the whole village participates so you can park at the end of a street, load up in the stroller and rummage for hours, sending your husband to the car occasionally to unload the purchases :). Anyway, it just wasn't meant to be this year, which was probably a good thing... we don't really need a bunch more junk, right?!?

Thankfully, Ad's illness didn't hang on too long and he was feeling much better by Sunday. We were able to get a lot of things done around the house... just basic clean-up stuff. We bought Sam a slip-n-slide and he was so eager to try it out. It was a bit chilly for it, but after about the bazillionth time of asking me I finally agreed. It's amazing how different their temperature gauges are... it hardly even phased him. Seth, on the other hand, practically turned blue and had enough after just one slide :)

Another highlight of the weekend was finally making it to the library. Sam, Seth, and I all got library cards and many, many books. When we grabbed our piles of books to head to the checkout, Aaron decided he needed his own as well. So he got 2 little board books and I let him put them on the checkout thingy himself and carry them to the car. He was so proud and walked with a big bounce in his step... it was so adorable and just one of those moments you wish you could remember forever. It's so funny how the little things they do can just melt your heart like that :)
It was really just an ordinary weekend but definitely a beautiful one! It was a bummer to send Ad back to work, but we get to look forward to next week... he's taking the whole week off! We just realized a few days ago that he has 13 days off to take before July so we are going to be seeing a lot of him over the next month.... yay!!!
1 comment:
The library is our absolute favorite place!!!! We LOVE story time and go there every friday... and maybe a few more times during the week! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE reading your blog and soooo wish we lived closer so that we could raise our kiddos together. I could help with school and we could trade babysitting! It would be a dream... hugs to you... love the pictures!
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