Okay, so I was pretty tired last night... didn't really feel up to writing. I guess I am feeling a little more chatty today ;) We had a really good, relaxing Easter! It was supposed to rain but didn't... a huge blessing for us as I am SO over rain. That is something I never thought I would say. Growing up in Nevada, rain was always like a special treat... not so in Wisconsin. It's NEVER-ENDING! I want some sunshine!

Anyway... we enjoyed coloring our eggs this year. Adalie watched from the sidelines and enjoyed munching on her star crayon. (I know, I'm such a good mom... ha ha ;) Aaron spent most of his time peeling crayon wrappers. I have never been able to get him to actually color anything. He can't get past the peeling stage. Whatever keeps him happy and busy, I guess! We dyed a total of 43 eggs... and amazingly only 2 made it to cracked beyond hiding stage.

We fully expected to have our egg hunt indoors because of the impending rain... but the Lord blessed us with a beautiful day. In fact, we were able to come home and take some cute family photos after church. It was, however, not warm enough for the boys to use their new super soakers... much to their chagrin. I bought these off amazon before Christmas, for only $5 each... I am thinking I should have held off on giving them for another month. The boys are so eager to try them out... and I am so tired of explaining why 40* is not warm enough for water guns. Sunshine, please come quick! It's supposed to be sunny and in the 50s on Friday... yay!

I LOVE my kiddos!!!
I was able to buy an Easter dress! It's so special to have a little girlie to finally dress up. I did have fun dressing up my boys too, though. I bought the boys somewhat matching blue shirts... I didn't want to go totally matching because I'm thinking Aaron would get sick of wearing the same shirt for the next 5 years! So we coordinated with their bow ties. I even let the boys pick out their own fabric out of my bin in the basement. It's totally not the fabric I would have chosen but it worked out perfectly... it is so them! My boys all have an infatuation with orange for some reason.
The rest of the day was spent making a yummy Easter feast... honey ham, homemade mac'n'cheese, green beans and deviled eggs. Sam read to me the whole Easter story out of Luke while I prepared dinner... he loves reading out of his "real" Bible. I love that he is such a good reader and enjoys it so much.
Anyway... I told ya I was in a chatty mood! Have a good week!
so happy you got to have your egg hunt outside! am pretty impressed at the amount of eggs you guys "put out" hehe! :) love, love, love your family pictures and the cute orange bow ties! happy easter!
I like chatty... nice to hear your thoughts on life and the day... you amaze me at how much you are able to get done... I barely got cinnamon rolls in the oven ;o)
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