My middle man is 4... FOUR!
He has grown by leaps and bounds this year. Looking back thru pictures just amazes me... he has gone from toddler to boy now.
To celebrate his special day we took a trip to Chuck-E-Cheese. We had a coupon for 120 tokens with our meal... about halfway thru the tokens we realized that 120 tokens was WAY to many for us. We were exhausted but had a great time! While at Chuck-E's we gave Seffer's a card with a hint as to what his birthday gift would be....
He was thrilled with the prospect of picking out his very own pet... a LIZARD! He picked out not only one, but FOUR green anoles (well... I think one might be a brown anole, though, cuz he's brown more often than green). I don't know about the boys, but Adam and I have loved watching these little guys. We've seen them shed their skin, and just today we saw them show off their red throat flaps. They are very cute little creatures!
So... Happy Birthday Seffer's!
Happy Happy Birthday Seffers....I love the change between three and four- he just looks so grown up.
Love U
Yes, he is changing right before our eyes! We are so glad he had such a special birthday! We love you all!!
Wow, I'm really late...! Happy late Birthday Seth! True, he looks so grown up. He's a little boy now all for a sudden! Cute little lizzards (without the shedding their skin part--I always find that so gross, hehe)!
oh, cute cake b.t.w.!
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