That is what we received today... A little bit of Heaven... in a HUGE box. If you know my boys at all you would totally understand. They love to color, paint, cut, glue, tape, and fold just about everything. They see every piece of paper, cardboard, soup can, etc. as potential for some kind of project... I can hardly keep the trash in the trash around here! And printer paper... well, we go thru that faster than toilet paper (seriously!).
So imagine the joy when we received this huge box in the mail today. It was filled to the brim with adorable girlie clothes and shoes, but nestled in the middle was the mother load of art supplies... JACKPOT! My boys went nuts! We had markers, window crayons, regular crayons, paint, books, sticky foam, etc. flying all over the place. Needless to say we were quite occupied all afternoon (and will be for several afternoons to come). Thank you, Christa, for this big box of goodies!
What a treat! Wes sister sends those kind of packages, and J
So, so so glad you like them. I know you guys are so creative that you need supplies... I will have to take note of that and send boxes like that more often. The art books are some hand-me-downs... the art attack book was a book Adam and I went through when we were in grade school and it was amazing for teaching me the basics of art... thought Sam might enjoy it! The other art books is one that someone gave me and I loved the projects... we have tried a few, but I thought you guys might like it too... love to hear you guys had fun with it!
What a happy surprise!! I am so glad you having fun, fun, fun!!
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