Fall is in the air!!! It has really cooled down a lot the last few days... it"s been overcast, rainy (not the hot, muggy rain like we usually have), and super windy. In fact, we've had several fallen branches from our old oak tree, and I think before long we'll be raking up mountains of leaves. The boys have really loved being able to put on their long pants again and play outside in the middle of the day.
Anyway, it just felt like a good soup day, so we scrapped the Taco Tuesday plan (I'll make the enchiladas tomorrow when Ad will be home to help eat them ;) and I put the boys to work in the kitchen. They did a lot of the cleaning, chopping and throwing the veggies in the pot... and they were awefully proud of their creation. Seth even finished off his bowl with only a little coaxing.
New Blog...What?!
9 years ago
I've been in the same mood lately... made a big pot of potato leek soup yesterday... my was it good. Fall is definitely in the air here! (Sam is way too cute!)
That looks yummy! Good work, boys!
Love the picture of Sam; he's getting so big too! The soup looks delicious!
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