Sunday, June 13, 2010


I've been talking a lot about being exhausted the last several weeks... I have definitely been exhausted most of the time. However, today I'm thinking someone else around here might just be a little exhausted as well.

Aaron has had a rough few weeks. He's been teething for a while and all 4 of his molars have finally popped thru... thank goodness! But, then he came down with a yucky cough and sore throat. I think he's finally starting to feel better....

BUT then, Seffers started coughing yesterday. He didn't sleep well last night (woke up crying and begging for a bandaide ~for his toe, he tripped on the sidewalk and got a pretty good gouge in it yesterday~ and cough medicine). Poor guy! Anyway, tonight at dinner I went into my room to check my email really quick and came back to find the little guy completely out in his macaroni.... NOW THAT'S EXHAUSTED!!! I put him on the couch, and he didn't budge for 3 hours... just in time for bedtime. I really hope he gets some good sleep and can get over this nasty cough... He's got to get better because Grandpa and Grandma are coming to play this week!

Adam will be exhausted tomorrow as well. He is on call tonight, and it has been pretty steady for him so far. Hopefully, it will slow down a little so he can get a few hours of rest in tonight. We are really looking forward to Thursday... his vacation begins then and lasts thru the end of June. He's worked so hard this year saving up all of his vacation, so he's really in need of a good break.

As for me... I've just been busy doing little things. There are so many projects I need to finish before we add another little one to the mix. I am excited about having this little girl, but a little nervous too. I feel like I am not going to be able to fully enjoy the baby I've already got... Aaron is still such a baby, and the most adorable one at that! He's always been such a Mommy's boy, but recently he's become quite attached to his Daddy as well. He is so thrilled each evening when Adam gets home. He runs to the door and makes sure that he is the first to give Daddy a hug. They have their own little routine of running into the bedroom to change and wrestling on the bed for a few minutes. If Adam is ever preoccupied and neglects to grab him on his way to the room, Aaron lets him know about it. :)

Anyway, I've got the night to myself so I'm gonna turn on some random movie, relax, and fold some laundry... there's a neverending pile on my couch. Hope you all have a wonderful night!
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Donovan Doins said...

OHHH, hope he gets well quickly, and everyone gets some sleep.
Love U

Daniela said...

Poor little guys! I hope they'll both feel better soon!
Can't believe Gene & Patty will be there soon! I'm so excited for you all!
Sounds like Aaron and Adam are really having some sweet, special routine going! How precious! Give my love to everyone!