Monday, April 19, 2010

Our Garden

So... this past weekend we built a garden... woo hoo! My first garden! I have never planted anything edible before so we'll see how it goes. We just cleared out a little section of the flower bed and planted our seeds. We have Snow Peas, Red Onions, Carrots and Radishes. Hopefully someday we'll be able to make some planters and expand our possibilities... but for now, I'm just loving my little garden.

The boys were a big help, of course: Aaron helped with the fence building (which still needs to be painted) and Sam and Seth helped to make our garden tags. During the building phase, Seth hid upstairs till it was finished... he's got a huge dislike of power tool noises. Of course, Adam only used the saw for a total of 3 minutes, but we couldn't convince him of that until it was stored back in it's place in the garage.

Can't wait to see what sprouts... and hopefully taste them someday!
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Donovan Doins said...

OH, I am so jealous. We are still waiting for green to come out. Slowly but surely it is yeah. If I can get W to fit in our beds between house stuff, I am good to go. I am so excited for you, as I am a lover of playing in good dirt!!

Christa Forsythe said...

I saw you blogged right before I headed to bed... and GOOD thing! You reminded me of all my seedlings that I have out on the deck... and if I would have forgotten to bring them inside... and they would have been frozen solid by morning time! You are lucky to have such nice weather that you are able to plant! I have to wait a couple more months!