Monday, January 18, 2010

Me, Binky & Freddy

Today was a very big day in our family. We traded "Me" (a binky for most people, but commonly called the me in this family) for Binky and Freddy. We've been trying to convince Seffers that he was too big for his me for quite sometime, but he just wasn't in agreement. So, I got a brilliant idea from a lady at church, and we made a little trade. We took the boys down to the Build a Bear Workshop and Seffers adopted "Binky" the little brown pony and lovingly placed his "me" inside. So now when he feels sad and lonely at night, he can squeeze Binky and feel his little me inside. We'll just see how well this works out. Samuel traded in 15 very close to perfect school papers in for "Freddy" the frog. Both boys were so excited to finally be able to build their own pet. They enjoyed being a part of the process - filling, picking out the heart, and bringing them alive. It was really fun!!!

Here are some photos of Aaron's big day last week. Adam took him down to the Surgery Center and he got tubes put in his ears. After a straight 5 months of ear infections, we decided it was time to do something about it. He was a little worried at first but was soon happy as can be... thanks to Versed! The actual procedure was over with in just a few minutes, and they were home soon after. Easy as can be!

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Christa Forsythe said...

What a great idea! The pics of the boys are so cute! Way to Sam and Seth! I hope this Binky trade works!

And I hope the tubes work too!

Donovan Doins said...

Great idea on the binky.

I can't believe how much Aaron is growing up. Hope he is feeling much better.

Unknown said...

Wow, that's one of the best ideas I've heard!! Preston never was attached to a binky, but if my next one is, I not have a PLAN. Thanks. :)