We finally had the chance to go out and build our own Frosty the Snowman!!! Or, Frosting the Snowman as Seffers calls him. We've discovered that around here if you want to play in the snow, you have to do it while it's fresh - otherwise, it turns hard as stone soon after. So, today we had a couple inches fall so the boys and I headed out for a couple hours to shovel snow and just have some fun. Thankfully, I am all finished with my Christmas shopping and can now just sit back and enjoy the snow (and freezing rain... uggh!) that is supposed to be scattered throughout the next several days.
The boys are really looking forward to Christmas this year. Sam has written several lists for Santa and is really trying to figure out how he's going to get into our house without a chimney. He's decided that he'll have to stay up and unlock the door for him. Seffers just spends most of his day rearranging the ornaments on the tree. So far all the candy canes are still hanging there, in different spots of course. Aaron is just busy growing. He is finally gaining some weight and getting little rolls on his legs and arms... so cute! And, he got his 2 front teeth just in time for Christmas - the second came in this past weekend. Yay!
Merry Christmas!
The boys are really looking forward to Christmas this year. Sam has written several lists for Santa and is really trying to figure out how he's going to get into our house without a chimney. He's decided that he'll have to stay up and unlock the door for him. Seffers just spends most of his day rearranging the ornaments on the tree. So far all the candy canes are still hanging there, in different spots of course. Aaron is just busy growing. He is finally gaining some weight and getting little rolls on his legs and arms... so cute! And, he got his 2 front teeth just in time for Christmas - the second came in this past weekend. Yay!
Merry Christmas!
Sounds like all Aaron wanted for Christmas was "his two front teeth" ha.. I crack myself up. Cute pics... we just got your amazing christmas box today... thanks so much. I wasn't able to shop for the boys this year so maybe they will have to get cool Valentines day presents ;o)
Miss you guys like crazy... Merry Christmas!
yay, what a fun fun day. Love those two new front teeth!!
Oh boy, how fast these little ones grow!!! I love reading all the fun stuff you guys are up to in WI!!! Pretty neat snowman you guys got there!!! So good to hear you're doing well! Miss you! Merry Christmas!!!
is that a do rag on that snowman? those little men are sure growing up. miss you guys
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