This morning I got the opportunity to see my baby dance. It was so neat! You don't really think of her being a little person yet, but she really is - and it's such a MIRACLE!!! I got to see her little heart beat (both sides), her little arms and legs. And she really was doing a little kind of dance it seemed. My doctor said it reminded him of the gopher or whatever it is that dances at the end of the movie Caddyshack. I have never seen this movie myself, but if you have then you might have some kind of an idea. She is 2.23 cm tall, 5 or 6 days ahead of schedule. I think all of our children will be on the tall side - taller than I anyways (which isn't saying much :).
And no, if you were wondering, I don't really know yet that she is a she, but my pregnancy book refers to babies as she's so it must be politically correct and all. Adam is always warning me that if I continue to call her a she, it will make her a he for sure. So little faith!
WOW... I just love looking at those little pictures.. always blows me away at the miracle of life... WOW.... you have a little person growing in you... and that is just amazing! Can't wait to meet HER!
Congratulations!:) I found your blog via Facebook and will check in again. LOVE those tiny baby photos.
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