Six..... Already? Crazy!
It's been kinda busy around here for the last month or two... so birthday preparations sort of took a backseat to all the other craziness. I think in the midst of it, though, we were able to pull off a good birthday for our six year old Sam. We celebrated his birthday a couple weeks ago with Grandpa and Grandma (because birthdays are so much better that way, of course.) Adam pulled off another cool cake... a transformer. He went old school and just made it flat, but it was definitely very cool and would thrill any six year old boy.
For his "real birthday" today we just hung out at home. He made us a list of things he wanted to do on his special day so we spent the day checking them off. We watched a movie, worked on a craft project, ate dinner at Jose's Blue Sombrero, and ate root beer floats. I thought he would be bummed to not get any gifts on his birthday, but he never even mentioned it... He did get to open a birthday card at breakfast, one at lunch, and three at dinner.
Last week we sent him to an art and music camp that our church was having. Sam really enjoyed it. He learned so much about all the different instruments. He now knows such things as how many strings are on a harp, how many feet a French horn would stretch if you unwound it, and the names of the different parts of many instruments. He was able to throw a pot on the pottery wheel, make some sculptures with clay, do some charcoal drawing, and painting. On Friday night, they had a special awards night in which they had a little music program and an art show. It was really neat to see all the different things they worked on and learned.

I think all this birthday celebrating has worn us all out... well, 2 of us at least!