Aaron's 1st birthday was our most recent big event. I can't believe how fast this year has passed. He has been such a great addition to our family, and I can't even imagine the past year without him. We celebrated his birthday with a little trip to McDonald's. He LOVES cheeseburgers and fries. His brothers were pretty excited about this as well. Then, we had his real party the next day. Adam made THREE amazing cakes for Aaron... what a lucky kid! We had chili dog pizza (I know it probably sounds gross, but it's amazing... a new family favorite around here!), opened gifts with Grandma and Grandpa Weller (over Skype), and gorged ourselves with cake and ice cream. YUMMY! Aaron was an old pro at presents; he knew exactly what to do with them and was looking for more afterwards. And he really enjoyed the Oreos on his cake. Unfortunately, he got the flu that night so the Oreos didn't work out quite so well.
It's been a pretty busy month for us. I started this quilt for Aaron a few weeks ago and was amazed to have finished it in time for his birthday... well, just the top. I had all the strips cut already from a previous quilt, so the hard part was done. I just had to come up with some way to incorporate all those strips. I think it turned out so awesome!
We also found out recently that we are having our 1st baby girl... I am beyond ecstatic! I have been busy trying to think of girl names, going thru boy things and weeding them out, and just loving the fact that we are finally having a little girl. I purchased my first ever pink thing last week -- hot pink crocs. I can't wait to see those cute little toes filling them.
And, Adam built me a cork board thing for my Craft/Baby room. Yay! I had been wanting a really big one, but even on Craigslist they were really expensive. So, we bought a 4'x8' sheet of insulated sheathing from Home Depot and a $10 table cloth... and it turned out perfectly. He's a genius!
Other than that, it's been kindergarten, lots of doctors appointments, sickness, homeschool co-op, and just plain old living.