Well, I guess it's time to blog... especially since I've received several not-so-subtle hints lately. I really like Daniela's and Christa's collages so I thought I'd try it out myself. I downloaded Picasa from Google so hopefully it works. We'll see if it passes Adam's scrutiny.
It has been a such crazy time for us recently. We've all been sick for so many weeks that I find myself wondering if we'll ever be healthy again. It just keeps circling around and around, but I am really hoping we've gotten it all under control and can now move on. Other than being sick, we've been just hanging out at home. Kindergarten is going super well. Sam is already reading many, many words - he can read basically anything with the short vowel sounds. He's such a smart kid! He's also mastered the Pledge of Allegiance and the Lord's Prayer. It's just incredible how their minds just soak it all up.
It's so amazing that Fall is ALREADY here... and almost winter!!! It doesn't seem like we've been in Milwaukee long enough. But, the fall is definitely beautiful here... and lots of work. We've spent several days out raking up leaves, a chore that I can't remember ever doing. Every year we've gotten pumpkins at a Pumpkin Patch and done the hayrides, mazes, and all the fun stuff, but this year we weren't able to do that for health reasons. So, we got Pumpkins at Walmart. Yeah, not quite as fun, but they made the boys happy. I also had the brilliant (or crazy!) idea to make the boys costumes for Halloween this year. Bob and Larry from the Veggie Tales. They turned out amazing!!! The boys had so much fun with them today. We came home loaded with a bucket full of candy and three very tired little boys. Wonderful day!
And, tomorrow will be another.... church, raking leaves, and planting tulip and daffodils.

Have you ever seen so many leaves???