We've just been a little busy. I haven't really had the motivation to put all my pictures onto my computer (it takes forever!) so I was finally forced to put them all on Ad's computer because I ran out of space on my memory card - on Christmas morning. Good timing, huh? Anyways, Adam's computer is much quicker at downloading and working with pictures, so I am finally doing something. Maybe I'll just use his from now on.
Here are just a few of the things that have kept us busy lately:

Homemade ornaments for all my nieces and nephews and various other very special people. These were so fun to make and are now my favorite ornaments. I made 22 of them, I think, and have another couple to make for a couple little boys to be born this spring (ours and Becca's).

Sam's Reindeer Project. Sam did a lot of work on these little guys. We made them to give as gifts to the great aunts and uncles and grandparents. They were so much fun! They're made from wire hangers, knee highs, and felt. (and lots and lots of hot glue)

This is what accompanied the reindeer project. We made tons of goodies, mostly things we could dip in chocolate so that Sam could do a lot of the work :). I found a new favorite recipe for cookies, using Andes mint chips (which I found at Walmart) - so delicious! Not too many of those made it onto the cookie trays.. ha..ha!! Maybe I'll post the recipe sometime.
I actually went to Walmart the other day and bought several packages of the mint chips - just in case I couldn't find them again :) They were sooooo delicious??? 
These are just some wooden cutouts that we purchased at Michael's. Sam painted them up for the aunts and uncles this year. Didn't he do a great job? Another artist in the making, I think.

And finally, these are some monsters we decided to make a couple days before Christmas, when we finally ran out of Christmas craft ideas. I drew several monster faces and bodies and Sam picked out the different features he liked best, and we put them together. I was rather pleased with the results.
So, now I am officially out of ideas for what to do next. Any ideas? I have found that life goes much better when we keep Samuel as busy as possible with projects :o)

We had a wonderful and white Christmas this year! We woke up to a couple inches of snow, which continued to fall throughout the day. It was beautiful! It just doesn't seem like Christmas without snow. We spent the whole day feasting and opening gifts. As usual, we all received so much more than we could possibly need. We are so blessed and really enjoyed each gift.