Yeah, I know, it's been forever once again... I am incredibly impressed by those (Christa!) who keep their blog up to date. I just don't have that many interesting thoughts or occurrences to share.
Well, today I am 17 weeks pregnant and growing. I can't believe that it's only been 17 weeks, it seems like I've been pregnant for forever. But, thank goodness, the bad stuff (barfing and yucky feelings) is over and now we are on to the fun part of just growing and developing into an amazing little baby. Only 3 weeks till we find out whether Sam gets his wish for a little sister or has to put up with another little brother, something he is refusing to accept :)
Other than that, we've spent the day building blanket forts over the couch, working on Quicken (trying to figure out our budget), and right now we are watching Ratatouille and chowing down the popcorn. Adam has been working all day, is on call all night, and has to work a regular day tomorrow as well. He is going to be extremely pooped when he gets home tomorrow evening. I guess I won't be getting that birthday cake (chocolate) I've been dreaming about - unless I make it myself :) Oh, well... I just hope he's able to get some rest - it can be tough to find peace and quiet around here.
P.S. Sam took the belly picture for me - he's becoming quite the photographer lately :) The other day I caught him in his room hiding the camera. Turns out I have a bunch of portraits of various teddy bears, toys, and Seth that I don't remember taking :) Crazy kid!